Office Hours Recap: Singer SDK and Singer Spec

This week in Meltano office hours we discussed how the newly released Singer SDK can dramatically speed up the development of new Singer Taps, as well as our newly launched Singer Spec documentation, which make it easier than ever to understand exactly how the open source Singer framework actually works behind the scenes.

You can watch the full livestreamed session below or on YouTube. Check the annotations in the video description if you want to jump straight to a specific topic.

Meltano Office Hours – 2021-04-07

We hold office hours every Wednesday, 9AM Pacific / 16:00 UTC. For more info, including the link to each week’s Zoom, check join the #office-hours channel in Slack. If you are interested in showing off your latest work, or seeing what others have built, please also join us this Friday for Demo Day!

Hope to see you soon!



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