Office Hours Recap: 2021-03-24

This week in Meltano Office Hours, we heard directly from community members about their experiences running Meltano on Windows, WSL, and Docker. If you missed it, the recording of our session is streaming now on the Meltano YouTube channel.

Our biggest takeaway from the discussion for Windows users is that WSL2 will generally provide you the best and most reliable experience for running Meltano on Windows. That includes being able to run the Web UI locally without requiring Docker. While WSL1 might also work, we don’t recommend it. Just skip directly to WSL2 if you are able to… And then go brag to your Windows and Mac coworkers that your laptop can run both Windows and Linux!

At Meltano, we are always listening to feedback and looking for ways to improve. Based on feedback from the discussion this week, we are tracking the following issues in our issue tracker. If you are interested in contributing to any of these, or if you just want to join the conversation, feel free to drop a comment at the links below or chat with us on Slack if that’s more your style.

(These links are also in the YouTube stream‘s description, along with topic timestamps for quick scanning.)

A big thanks to everyone who joined. And a special thanks to Derek Visch from Auto IDM who served as our resident community expert for Windows and WSL!

Join the conversation!

Our our next office hours session will be on Wednesday, March 31, and we have our Meltano Demo Day tomorrow, March 26. You can always find a list of all our events in the #events channel on Slack.

Hope to see you soon!

AJ Steers


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