Now Available: Meltano v1.69.0

Today, we are excited to release Meltano version 1.69.0, which adds out-of-the-box support for the Quickbooks source (thanks Hassan Syyid of Hotglue!) and adds support for Airflow 2 (thanks Michel Radosavljevic!).

You can add tap-quickbooks to your project using meltano add:

meltano add extractor tap-quickbooks

Airflow 2 is not the default yet, but you can use it in your project by adding the following to your meltano.yml project file (or modifying pip_url in your existing entry for airflow):

- name: airflow
  pip_url: apache-airflow==2.0.1 --constraint

Change 3.6 to 3.7 or 3.8 in accordance with your Python version. Then run meltano install orchestrator airflow to install.

Excited to try it out?

To upgrade Meltano and your Meltano project to the latest version, navigate to your project directory, activate the appropriate virtual environment, and run meltano upgrade. This will upgrade the meltano package and apply any necessary changes to your project.

What else is new?

The list below (copied from the changelog) covers all of the changes made to Meltano since the release of v1.68.0 on February 11:


  • #2558 Add support for Airflow 2.0
  • #2577 Add hotgluexyz variant of tap-quickbooks


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